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Qld politician calls for commonwealth cooperation to deal with Ebola

Qld politician calls for commonwealth cooperation to deal with Ebola


The Queensland Government has asked the Federal Government to join efforts to combat the spjarvees.comread of Ebola in west Africa.

A Government of Queensland (GQ) spokesman said the Government was working to combat Ebola through the national response.

“It’s a matter that the Government of Queensland wants to support, and it’s a matter that the Australian Government is considering,” the spokesman said.

On Monday, the Government announced it had taken action to improve the health and support of local health workers working in West Africa.

Assistant Health Minister Peter Dutton said the Government is looking at ways to support staff in the region.

“We know how good the support is and we look at it as a very important measure,” Mr Dutton said.

“But what we have to be concerned about is the possibility of an outbreak in Australia if, indeed, that’s a risk we’re not prepared to take.”

A Health Services Minister, John Robertson, said the Government was aware of the challenges the affected countries face and was working on a response.

He said this would include increasing health care infrastructure and expanding health바카라 and medical services in those affected areas.

“We need to develop all of the resources necessary to bring care to those affected, to ensure that the people of Africa get the best and the best from healthcare services, so this is a national priority,” Mr Robertson 더킹카지노said.

The Government was also looking at expanding mental health services for vulnerable adults and adolescents in the areas hit by the crisis.

Topics: health, states-and-territories, federal-government, foreign-affairs, foreign-policy, unrest-conflict-and-war, china, australia

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